

june at noon
doll's house

Northeastern United States

About me...
I’m a wife and a stay-at-home mom to two incredible kids. Making things makes me very happy, and I especially love embroidery because it takes my interest in and ability to draw and adds another layer to it. You can read more about me and my artsy-crafty endeavors at june at noon. I can also be found on Twitter, and I will be opening an Etsy shop, in the (hopefully) near future, at which I plan to sell patterns for this piece.

About my square...
My square was embroidered with DMC 498 and consists of stem stitch, outline stitch, and some back stitch. I used about two and a half skeins of floss (around 22 yards?), and that was using only one or two strands at a time for the majority of the project. (I used three strands for the outline around the entire house.) If I had to guess, I’d say this probably took at least 30 hours scattered over the course of a little more than two weeks. The piece is inspired by the cross-sections of houses that my cousin Sarah used to draw when we were kids. I specifically remember her drawing a rocking horse in the attic of one house. The idea just fascinated me, and I started drawing them too. All these years later, I still like drawing cross-sections of houses.

You can read my blog post about this piece here, or you can see many, many more photos (including photos with measuring tapes and coins for size) at my flickr page here.

Find me...
june at noon
Etsy shop


Kylie said...

Just magnificent Gretchen! The detail and planning in this is just breath-taking :) K

Jo said...

Beautiful. I can look at this for ages and keep seeing new things. Your embroidery is amazing.

Gina said...

Gretchen I had already seen this online but was blown away by the delicacy, the detail and the texture when I got to see it up close. Beautiful work, you should be very proud.

Tweed Thoughts said...

Well done, Gretchen! Just found the link through your 'tweet' :) Congratulations on taking part and doing such a fab job! (a little envious too, hehe!) I love your 'house' :D

Rubycat said...

Yet another piece that I could look at/into for hours, thinking of stories about this house and its people. Lovely and skilled work. I am in awe.

Jonathan said...

My dolls never played house. They were more likely to wrestle, but I love this doll house.

Denise :) said...

I just came upon this quilt (and consequently your offering for it) on The Fat Quarterly blog. Yours is my favorite of them all! What fun, fun stuff. :)