

two little buttons
family by Master 5

Melbourne, Australia

About me…
I am a wife, mum to 2 little boys and I like creating, cooking, spending time with friends and exercise.

I write a blog called two little buttons. It’s a place where I can write about my family and friends, snippets of our family life, my craft and creating journey, cooking and entertaining and things that inspire me. I write it as a way to remember this phase of our lives and one day as a memoir for the boys.

About my square…
My square is embroidered by hand using 2 strands of embroidery floss. I used stem stitch, back stitch, satin stitch & French knots.

I asked my eldest son (who is 5) to draw us as a family. This is how he drew it; the 4 of us as he sees us. I love it. His drawing captures who we are, now in 2009. I copied the drawing onto my square of fabric and his lines of pen became my stitches, captured forever.

Find me...
on my blog


Gina said...

I just ADORE the love hearts on Mummy there!!
This will be a treasured piece for a long time...

Jonathan said...

The drawing translated wonderfully into a stitched piece. I love real children's drawings turned into art much better than adults imitating children's art.

Ammieloris said...

OH, I love the hearts on Mommy, too. They warm my heart. This is a delightful drawing and embroidery! (When Kidoodle can draw, I think I'll be embroidering some of his designs, too!)

P.S. Are you keeping or swapping this? It seems that it would be hard to part with.

Kirsty said...

I love this square.

You really will treasure this forever & I think that your master 5 (& his future master 5) will also love having this piece as a record of 2009.